

Food Information



One of the most popular fresh chiles used in Mexico. Darkgreen, with a purple-black tinge, tapering down from the shoulders to apoint. Measures about 4 to 5 inches long and 2 1/2 to 3 inches in diameter.Thick fleshed; varies in strength between medium and hot. It is mistakenlyreferred to as a pasilla in California, even though the pasilla is a differenttype of chile altogether (see Pasilla in the dried chile section ). Thegreen poblano is always used cooked or roasted and never eaten raw. Roastinggives the poblano a fuller, smoky, more earthy flavor. Poblanos that arevery fiery should be seeded and deveined. This chile is favored for makingchiles rellenos or any other stuffed chile dish because of its size andthe thickness of the flesh. Also good as rajas, or made into sauces, especiallymoles and pipians.

Where: Puebla region, central valley of Mexico, and California
Heat: 3