Food Information
Mandarin Oranges


The best known Mandarin is the tangerine, and most are grown in Florida.Early in the season, before the Florida fruit comes on line, we import sometangerines from Mexico. As a rule, the quality of this import leaves muchto be desired. The most common varieties of Florida tangerines are the Robinsonand the Dancy. Both are similar in texture, flavor, and color, althoughthe Robinsons attain a larger size. Tangerines are not identified by varietyat the supermarket fruit stands.

Often described as a condensed orange producing more intense flavor andacidity. This intensity is particularly noticeable in cooking

Tangerines arrive in October and are out of season in February. The earlyarrivals are usually a bit tart and those at the tail end of the seasonare often quite dry. Florida tangerines are at their best in December.

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