FoodFood InformationFruitDeciduousPears
The Asian pear looks like a russet-skinned Anjou and eats like a very
crisp, juicy apple. It seems to be a cross between an apple and a pear,
but is an entirely separate breed. Asian pears, which are also called Japanese
pears, are, not surprisingly, of Far Eastern origin and are highly prized
in the Orient.
Although grown in California, much of the small crop is exported to the
Far East. The balance is shipped to the wholesale terminals in the larger
cities and purchased by merchants who supply stores in Chinatowns. Since
the demand always exceeds the limited supply, this unusual but tasty fruit
always sells at lofty prices, usually about twice the going rate for fine
apples or pears.
Japanese pears, like apples, are best when very firm. Always store
under refrigeration.
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