FoodFood InformationMushrooms
Morel A.K.A.: Sheep's Stomach
Flavor and Texture: very earthy and slightly musty flavored; chewy, slightly
rubbery and resilient texture.
Description: the hollow honeycombed cap is 1-4 1/2 inches wide and 2-8 inches
long. Morels are easily recognizable by their deeply convoluted pits and
ridges in dark brown to black caps. Note: there are five or six different
varieties of morel commonly available in the commercial markets now, and
they range in appearance from globular to bell shaped. Morels also take
very well to drying. It is said that Louis XIII of France strung them up
over his bed when he was ill because he loved the aroma they gave off as
they dehydrated. In India, the Mohammedans, who eat only this kind of mushroom,
collect their morels in mass quantities in the Himalayas and string them
up in the sun to dry.