FoodFood InformationVegetables
Onions are our most pungent vegetable. Some are quite mild while others
are strong in scent and flavor. They are primarily used in cooking to flavor
other foods but are also used raw in salads. Those that are known as dry
onions are bulbs that are harvested after the greens have started to decay;
these greens are discarded. Green onions are types that are harvested while
the greens are fresh, and the greens as well as the bulbs are used. Green
onions include leeks, scallions, and chives. All members of the onion family
are available year-round.
Dry onions, garlic, and shallots are very hardy and need not be refrigerated
unless temperatures exceed 70F; unlike most vegetables, these onions have
a longer shelf life if they are not refrigerated. Leeks are perishable and
require refrigeration.