2 large onions (diced)
2 medium green bell peppers (diced or in strips)
4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
1 large can whole tomatoes
2 large cans tomato puree
1 large can tomato paste
Italian seasonings: rosemary, bazil, oregano, thyme, bay leaves.(a bottle
of Italian seasoning with all the above can be purchased at the grocery
store in the spice section.) then add as much as you like according to your
saute onions, peppers and garlic in 2 tablespoons olive oil until tender,
put into crock pot, add all other ingredients, I add lots of extra salt
(optional). turn crock pot on low and let cook undisturbed for 4 to 7 hours,
(the longer the better).
If you do not own a crock pot, a large 2 to 3 qt. pan with lid may be used,
cook 4 to 7 hours on simmer, stirring every 20 - 30 minutes.