Old World


Cepa Wine or grape variety
Clarete Light red or dark rose
Consejo Regulador Organization for the defence, control and promotionof a denominacion de origen
Cosecha Crop or vintage
Criado y embotellado por Grown and bottled by
crianza Wine aged just more than a year after harvest
Denominacion de origen Similar to the French Appellation Controlee
Dulce Sweet
Elaborado y anejado por Made and aged by
Embotellado or Engarrafado de origen Estate bottled
Espumoso Sparkling
Fino Good (particularily relating to the lightest, dryest type ofsherry
Gran Reserva Wine aged more 2 years after harvest and often muchlonger, generally with extended time in oak. Spains top quality most maturewines.
Reserva Wine aged just more than a year after harvest but older thana wineries "crianza" wines, second only to Gran Reserva in aging.
Rosado Rose
Seco Dry
sin crianza Wine released in the year after harvest
tinajas large earthenware pots used to age wine
Tinto Red
Vendimia Vintage
Vina or vinedo Vineyard
Vino Wine
Vino corriente Ordinary wine, not usually bottled
Vino de cosecha propria Wine made by the owner of the vineyard, an"Estate" wine
Vino de mesa or de pasto Table wine