Food Information


CHIVES (Allium schoenoprasum)

The most delicate and sophisticated member of the onion family. The round, hollow leaves with an oniony flavor grow from small bulbs in grass like clumps. Chives can grow up to 2 feet tall, but are usually shorter because the tops of the leaves are continually being clipped for use as a seasoning. The clover like flowers are a rose purple color and appear first as a little bulb like bud among the round green leaves.

Another allium species similar to common chives is garlic chives or Chinese chives (A. tuberosum). They resemble common chives in their clumping growth form, but the leaves are flat instead of round and are a powdery gray color. The flowers of garlic chives grow in clusters above the tips of the leaves and are white.
Leaves have a mild garlic flavor.

Chives do best in moist, fairly rich soil and in full sun.
Common chives are evergreen (or nearly so) in mild regions, and go dormant where winters are severe. Chinese chives are less vigorous than common chives and more inclined to winter dormancy. They both require the same culture. Bring clumps of common and Chinese chives indoors in containers for the winter to assure a supply of fresh leaves for cooking. Chives are usually bought as small plants, but they also can be grown from seeds. If you have a clump of chives, you can increase it easily by dividing the roots. The plant is pretty enough to use as an edging for flower borders or an herb garden, and the flowers even can be cut and used in arrangements.

Use chopped chives in salads, cheese and egg dishes, gravies, and soups for a delicate onion or garlic flavor. Cut the tops of the leaves as soon as the plants are established. They usually are used fresh but can be preserved by drying or freezing. They should not be cooked for long periods or at high temperatures.