Food Information


MINTS (Mentha species)

From the large assortment of mint species and varieties there are many that you can grow. Typically, these plants have square stems and opposite leaves that are aromatic when crushed. The seven that are described here are among the most important and most frequently grown.

Orange mint or bergamot mint (M. citrata) grows to about 2 feet high and has broad, dark green, 2 inch leaves that are edged with purple. They taste and smell slightly of oranges, combined with the characteristic minty aroma. The blossoms are lavender and grow in dense flower spikes during midsummer. The stems of this species are reddish purple and nearly round.

Golden apple mint (M. gentilis) has smooth, deep green leaves variegated with yellow. The plant grows to about 2 feet and makes an attractive ground cover where taller spring flowering bulbs are planted.

Peppermint (M. piperita) or its flavor-is familiar to many people. The plant grows to 3 feet high and has strongly scented, 3 inch leaves with toothed edges. Small purple flowers appear in 1-3 inch long spikes at the ends of stems.

Pennyroyal (M. pulegium) is another attractive mint, but it should not be confused with American mock penny royal (Hedeoma pulegiodes) which is not a mint at all. It is prostrate and branching with downy, oval leaves that are no more than 1/2 inch long. Small, rosy lilac flowers bloom late in the summer and early autumn. It is a less hardy, and far less neat, ground cover than Corsican mint but-in its favor-it is said to repel insects from the garden.

Jewel mint of Corsica or Corsican mint (M. requienii) is a creeping sort that rarely grows over 1 inch high. It has tiny, round, bright green leaves that form a moss like mat. In summer, small, light purple flowers appear. The foliage has a delightful minty or sage like fragrance when bruised or crushed under foot.

Apple mint (M. rotundifolia) has stiff stems that grow 20 to 30 inches high. The rounded leaves are slightly hairy and gray green, about 14 inches long. The purplish white flowers are produced in 2-3 inch spikes.

Spearmint (M. spicata) is another of the most familiar species and is the one used commonly with roast lamb and in mint jelly. Its dark green leaves are slightly smaller than those of peppermint and look and feel crinkly. The stems will grow 1 1/2-2 feet high if not pinched back.


The ancient Greeks believed that when Pluto, god of the underworld, became enraptured by the beauty of Menthe (a young nymph), his wife Prosperpine turned her into this herb and left her forever to grow in the shadows and moisture. However, Menthe was still loved by the Greeks and has continued to find friends ever since. Mints have been used in innumerable ways in the past. The ancient Pharisees of Biblical times paid their taxes with its leaves. Ancient medicine has recommended using the leaves for bites of mad dogs, to prevent indigestion, to cure mouth and gum ailments, in a preparation for ulcers, to heal skin diseases, and to stimulate the appetite. One old herbalist warns, however, that if a wounded man eats it, his injuries will never heal, while another claims that it must never be cut or harvested with shears or a blade made of iron. Previous writers are not always explicit as to which species of mint they are talking about, but the distinct flavor and aroma that most of the species share to some degree makes it clear that this is what made them so highly favored.
Most mints will grow almost anywhere except in hot, direct sun. They do best, however, in a light, moderately rich soil that is moist and in shade or partial shade. These herbs spread rapidly by underground stems and runners and can be propagated very simply by layering, division, or stem cuttings. Their invasive nature can be contained by planting in pots or boxes, or sinking header boards 6-8 inches into the ground around their roots. Keep flowers pinched back to encourage bushy growth.

Modern commerce makes many uses of mints. Spearmint and peppermint are two of the most common flavorings for everything from chewing gum to mouth washes and medicines. Use the leaves fresh or dried in any number of different ways: add them to potpourris, lamb, and jelly; spearmint is the best for garnishing iced drinks; fresh leaves of peppermint, pineapple. apple, and orange mints can be added to fruit cocktails or sprinkled over ice cream.