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OREGANO (Origanum vulgare)
Oregano, also known as wild marjoram, is closely related to sweet marjoram.
It also is a perennial and grows to about 2-2 1/2 feet. The leaves are rounded
and come to a blunt point at the tip, but often are larger and coarser than
those of sweet marjoram and have a darker green color. Small, purplish pink
blossoms grow at the ends of the stems. Oregano is shrubby and tends to
spread by invasive underground stems.
There is a legend that describes the origin of oregano. A young servant
to Cinyras, the king of Cyprus, was carrying a large vessel, full of valuable
perfume which the king was particularly fond of. Accidentally, he dropped
the container, spilling its contents. He was so afraid of what his punishment
would be that he fainted, and, while lying unconscious on the ground where
the oil had spilled, he was metamorphosed into the oregano plant.
Oregano grows in well drained, good garden soil where plants receive full
sun. It requires routine watering. Like sweet marjoram, the flowers should
be kept cut back to encourage bushiness and thick foliage. It makes a good
container plant but should be replaced about every 3 years when it becomes
woody. Grow new plants from seeds or by dividing an established plant.
The leaves have a sharper flavor than sweet marjoram and taste a little
of thyme. Use them fresh or dried in the same foods you would marjoram or
thyme, especially Italian and Spanish or Mexican dishes.