FoodFood InformationHerbs&Spice
SWEET WOODRUFF (Asperula odorata)
Sweet woodruff is an attractive, low growing perennial that will spread
rapidly as a ground cover in shady areas and good moisture. The slender
square stems grow 6-12 inches high, and every inch or so are encircled by
whorls of 6-8 aromatic, bristle tipped leaves. Clusters of tiny white flowers
show above the foliage in the late
spring and summer.
Along with chamomile, sweet woodruff is one of the traditional herb garden
ground covers. Wreaths and garlands of the leaves and stems were hung in
homes and churches where their pleasant aroma refreshed the air. In the
medieval medicinal field the leaves also were placed over small cuts to
stop the bleeding and to heal them.
Thrives best in moist, shady locations. You can grow this herb from small
plants sold at nurseries and increase your stock by root division in the
fall or spring.
The dried or crushed leaves and branches are sweet smelling like new mown
hay. Use the flowers in making May Wine or steep them in boiling water for
flavorful tea.