Food Information


The salad greens are divided into two groups: those that are mild in flavor, usually known as lettuce, and those that have a sharper, more bitter flavor. Where there is consumer demand, all of the items are available year-round.

As a rule in America, salad greens are served raw, but in Europe they are often used also as cooked vegetables. Spinach, which performs a dual role as a fresh salad green and as a cooked vegetable.

All lettuce and bitter salad greens are available twelve months of the year. All are perishable and should not be purchased more than a day or two prior to use. They should be stored under constant refrigeration.

The trick to purchasing fine lettuce of any variety is to look for heads that look very fresh, crisp, and colorful. Avoid those that look limp or tired. Especially avoid those that have brown discolorations. All varieties of lettuce are perishable and, if stored, should be well wrapped and placed in the coldest area of your refrigerator. They will be at flavor best and at their crispest texture when served cold. Limp or tired-looking lettuce leaves are usually beyond reviving, so keep the lettuce in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve it.

Bibb (Limestone)
Boston (Butterhead)
Iceberg (Crisphead)
Leaf Lettuce (Green Leaf & Red Leaf)
Romaine (Cos)

Deamer 5/97